Bigfoot Wallace Museum

Bigfoot Wallace Museum

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This cabin, the exact replica of Texas legend "Bigfoot" Wallace's home, opened in 1954 as the result of local inventor and philanthropist Bunyan Balckwell's many months of organizing and planning. Later, rooms were added to house the numerous items of interest donated by people from near and far, all interested in preserving the colorful heritage of Bigfoot Wallace's adopted state.

William Alexander Anderson Wallace was born April 3, 1817, in Virginia. He came to Texas to avenge the death of relatives who were killed in battles for Texas' independence from Mexico. By the time he arrived, Texas was already a republic. He stayed in his beloved adopted state and fought Indians, joined the famed Texas Rangers, and carried the mail for the Pony Express from San Antonio to El Paso.

The museum is housed in replicas of his log-cabin home and Texas Independence Hall and includes artifacts of Wallace’s activities in Texas War for Independence, Mexican War and battles with Indians.

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